BBB Johannes Deimling


BBB Johannes Deimling, Germany


Born in 1969, Germany

BBB Johannes Deimling has worked since 1988 as an artist in the fields of performance art, video, object, installation, drawing and music. Especially with his performative works, the artist became internationally renowned. In numerous performance art festivals, in exhibitions and in the public he presents his ephemeral works in Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Estonia, Austria, Romania, France, Italy, Spain, England, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Israel, Canada and Cuba. 

Under the term 'agierte Bilder' - acted, or living images, used since 1995 the artist creates living images, which he puts into a pictorial aspect. Based on an idea or a concept a performance will be developed, with which he in an incisive moment the ontic tangible reality solidifies. In the moment of the presentation, constitutes an image that focuses everyday life or social conflict situations. Thereby accrues an acted image, which points beyond the bare experience of sense, because with each action Deimling alienates something from us that is well known. He uses well-known objects in a changed way, twists courses of action right around or remains in a pose, which appear at first sight strange, on the second all the more comes out with a deeper meaning. Here the creative act is the centre of attention. In the ultimately accruing image the precisely planned consistency of the first singular appearing gestures shows up. 

BBB Johannes Deimling. Cream head. 2010.